
Showing posts from December, 2010

New application to read FIX protocol

I just started an application to read data feed of The Financial Information eXchange ("FIX") Protocol. FIX is the industry-driven messaging standard that is changing the face of the global financial services sector... In Automated Trading System(ATS) of the Colombo Stock Exchange(CSE),ensures the validity of the incoming orders from broker systems and uses the Financial Information eXchange ( FIX ) Protocol to communicate with any third party software. The interface provides the mechanism for brokers to interface their internet order processing module and their broker back office systems to the Trading System. Serial Data Feed The data vendors obtain market updates from two serial data feeds that are available in the system Just start learning abt FIX and looking for 'better' JAVA libry to read FIX protocol.. if you guys know anything pls giv me a sup!

sql Query to Group By Year, Month, Week, Day

I tried to make a report to see a list of total records, grouped by month: Which i found from articles: SELECT Sum(someValues)  FROM Table  GROUP BY Year(date_feild), Month(date_feild), Day(date_feild)  what i wrote first: select count(*),Year(entered_on) ,Month(entered_on)  from receipt_table group by 2,3 I end up with: select Year(entered_on) as Year,Month(entered_on) as Month,count(*)  from receipt_table group by 1,2 order by 1,2 any comments guys?