JSTL tag library issue in Weblogic

Hi again this too technical, only for who interests about Web development in Weblogic server I developed web application using JSTL tags and when I tried to deploy WAR file in Weblogic server i got following error: An error occurred during activation of changes, please see the log for details. Failed to load webapp: 'etaagent.war' Error: Unresolved Webapp Library references for " ServletContext@163229449[app:etaagent module:etaagent.war path:/etaagent spec-version:2.5] ", defined in weblogic.xml [Extension-Name: jstl, Specification-Version: 1.2, exact-match: false] then, by googling I found that JSTL library is deployed by default in WebLogic, so I added the library-ref in weblogic.xml: jstl 1.2 false