Learnings - Kong API Gateway

Hi folks, Many days I was playing with Kong in Docker, quick scaffolding for anyone interest to play with it. This summarises my basic learnings. What is Kong? Kong is an API gateway. Some of the popular features deployed through Kong include authentication, security, traffic control, serverless, analytics & monitoring, request/response transformations and logging. A typical Kong setup is made of two main components: 1)Kong’s server, based on the widely adopted NGINX HTTP server 2)Kong’s datastore, Apache Cassandra and PostgreSQL can be used. Terminology: What are Kong plugins? Kong API gateway features are provided by plugins. Authentication, rate-limiting, transformation, logging etc, are all implemented independently as plugins. Plugins can be installed and configured via the Admin API running alongside Kong. What is a Kong Service? a Service is the name Kong uses to refer to the upstream APIs and microservices it manages. What is a Route? Routes specify...