Use of Sidecars to Microservice Communication
Recently I attended Analysis Design Architcture conference ( where listened to talk named "Future Proof Software Architecture: Microservices". That reminded me my experience of using sidecars as part of a microservice architecture in one of my previous projects( Australian Bank). So I decided to write down some of the key points and insights that came out of that experience. firstly, let's start with understanding why we might want to move beyond traditional API gateways. API gateways traditionally handle everything from TLS termination to authentication, authorisation, and traffic routing. They're like the swiss army knife of API management - doing lots of things in one place. But here's the problem - as our microservices architectures grow more complex, having all these responsibilities in a central gateway becomes a bottleneck. So let's see what are sidecars - think of them as your microservice's personal assistant. Instead of rou...