My Takeaways from 'Why We Sleep' book

I recently got a recommendation to read Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams" by a colleague, and I borrowed it from the local library and read. It is a great book and it is the very very interesting book I’ve read this year. It’s completely changed the way I think about sleep and shifted it much higher on my priority list. So I couldn't stop talking about it with my friends > few of them asked me to share some things I learned, so I'm writing below points for anyone to refer. I strongly recommend you to read it.


 Key Learnings: What About Memory? Sleep isn't just for rest – it's like a superhero for memory. It helps lock in new stuff you've learnt so you don't forget it the next day.

What About Learning? Sleep makes you a learning machine. Rather fascinating how your brain soaks up new skills and knowledge like a proper sponge.

What's REM Sleep For? Those wild dreams during REM sleep aren't just entertainment - they're brilliant for sorting out emotions and boosting creativity.

Let's look at a dead simple list of other benefits:

Key Sleep Benefits:
1. Health Guardian: Prevents unwanted weight gain, diabetes risks, heart troubles
2. Mood Regulator: Keeps those 'happy chemicals' properly balanced
3. Age Fighter: Your secret weapon for staying sharp as you age
4. Appetite Controller: Manages hunger hormones effectively
5. Brain Booster: Improves test performance and problem-solving

So in the appendix of the book it has 12 tips for better sleep taken from (Google NIH + tips to good night sleep)

Today's sleep science makes it quite clear - we need to prioritize our Zzz's. Remember - with great sleep comes great brain power. Don't mock what you must sleep, test what you should. happy sleeping!


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