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14 August, 2023

My Takeaways from 'Why We Sleep' book

I recently got a recommendation to read Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams" by a colleague, and I borrowed it from the local library and read. It is a great book and it is the very very interesting book I’ve read this year. It’s completely changed the way I think about sleep and shifted it much higher on my priority list. So I couldn't stop talking about it with my friends > few of them asked me to share some things I learned, so I'm writing below points for anyone to refer. I strongly recommend you to read it.



  1. Memory Booster: Sleep isn't just for rest – it's like a superhero for memory. It helps lock in new stuff you've learned so you don't forget it the next day.
  2. Learn Like a Pro: Guess what? Sleep makes you a learning machine. It helps your brain soak up new skills and knowledge like a sponge.
  3. Dreamy Creativity: Ever had those wild dreams? Well, turns out, dreaming during REM sleep isn't just cool; it's great for sorting out your emotions and boosting your creative mojo.
  4. Health Alert: Skip sleep, and you're playing with fire. Your chances of gaining unwanted pounds, dealing with diabetes, and having heart troubles shoot up. Yikes!
  5. Happy Vibes: A good snooze keeps your mood in check. When you don't sleep enough, your brain's "happy chemicals" can get all wonky.
  6. Age-Defying Zzz's: Sleep isn't just for the young – it's your secret weapon for staying sharp as you get older. Plus, it helps your body fix itself while you snuggle under the covers.
  7. Food Friend or Foe: Sleep plays tricks with your hunger hormones. If you're not catching enough Zzz's, you might end up overeating without realizing it.
  8. Brain Power Boost: Need to ace that test or come up with a genius idea? Quality sleep's got your back. It's like a brain workout that makes you smarter.
  9. Sleep-Starved Society: We're all guilty of putting Netflix before bedtime. But beware – our modern lifestyle is making us a bunch of tired zombies.
  10. Sleep Like a Pro: Don't worry, the book's got your back with easy-peasy tips. Stick to a sleep schedule, create a comfy sleep cave, and bam – you're on your way to dreamland success.

So in the appendix of the book it has 12 tips for better sleep taken from (Google NIH + tips to good night sleep)

So there you have it, the scoop on why sleep is the real MVP. If you're ready to supercharge your brain, mood, and health, "Why We Sleep" might just be your bedtime story of choice. Catch those Zzz's, folks! 😴🌟

25 July, 2023

Principles and Tactics for Working with Language Models (like ChatGPT)

Recently I went through, and below is my notes I optimised using chatGPT API :)


Language models like ChatGPT have become increasingly powerful and versatile tools for various applications. To maximize their effectiveness, it's crucial to understand and implement certain principles and tactics. In this blog post, we will explore the key strategies for working with language models to achieve better results. We will also discuss their limitations and offer best practices for prompting, as well as explore exciting use cases and applications.

Principle 1: Clear and Specific Instructions

When interacting with a language model, clarity is paramount. To obtain accurate and relevant results, follow these guidelines:

  1. Provide longer prompts: Detailed prompts offer better context and understanding to the model.
  2. Use delimiters: Separate different sections of input using triple backticks or quotes to enhance readability.
  3. Request structured output: To make parsing easier, ask the model to provide output in JSON format.
  4. Handle conditions and edge cases: Instruct the model to check for specific conditions and handle tricky situations.
  5. Utilize few-shot prompting: Boost the model's performance by providing examples and demonstrations.

Principle 2: Give the Model Time to Think

Allowing the language model time to reason and solve problems is crucial for better outputs. Encourage relevant reasoning steps by reframing queries and providing step-by-step instructions for complex tasks.

Model Limitations and Mitigation:

Language models have their limitations, such as generating fabricated information (hallucinations). To reduce this, ask the model to refer to source texts or provide quotes for context. Be cautious about potential dangers and weaknesses when building applications with language models. Implement mitigation strategies and exercise caution.

Iterative Prompt Development:

Perfect prompts often require multiple iterations. Experiment, analyze, and refine your prompts to achieve the desired results effectively.


Working with language models like ChatGPT can be a powerful way to leverage AI capabilities for various applications. By following the principles and best practices outlined in this blog post, developers can achieve better results and avoid potential pitfalls. However, it's crucial to remain responsible and transparent in the use of AI-generated text to ensure ethical and safe applications of these technologies.

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